How to Pay a Recurring Invoice - both payment options eCheck and Credit Card

1. Go to the invoice that you would like to pay, and click on the dollar amount.

2. When the invoice is open, click on the red "Pay Invoice" button.

3. A page will open to choose your payment option of eCheck or Card. Click on the payment method you want to use. 

For eCheck on a recurring invoice payment (automatic billing)

4. Click on the word "eCheck" and fill in the account details. Once you click on the blue "Select" button to choose your bank a window will open for your bank account login details (see image below). 

5. After you have completed the bank login step, the "Save for Future Payments with Card" will turn Green. Click on this green button, this allows Auto-Billing to securely save the payment details for future payments.

6. A new page will show your invoice as "Paid".  Your 1st invoice is now paid and future recurring invoices payments will automatically be paid on the payment due date. 

7. You will also receive a confirmation email that shows that the invoice has been paid. 

For Credit "Card" payments on a recurring invoice (automatic billing).

1. Click on the word "Card" and fill in your Credit Card information. Once you have completed filling your information, the "Save for Future Payments with Card" will turn Green. Click on this green button, this allows Auto-Billing to securely save the payment details for future payments.

2. A new page will show your invoice as "Paid".  Your 1st invoice is now paid and future recurring invoices payments will automatically be paid on the payment due date. 

3. You will also receive a confirmation email that shows that the invoice has been paid.