How to create a custom parent directory

Your Hubbli site's Member list is a great way for parents to look up other parents at the school. By default, all Hubbli sites have one on the main navigation menu. As well, each group has a Member list which is a great way to find parents according to a specific class or other groupings.

That said, we find that many schools want to create a more detailed and flexible parent directory and our forms/views are a great way to accomplish that. 

Create a form to collect parent directory information. I suggest titling it something like 'Parent Directory Form' or just 'Directory Form'.

Add the corresponding 'View' (list of form entries) into the main navigation. I would also make this a 'Conditional Menu' item so that it only shows to 'Logged In' users and is hidden from the public. 

Now, as parents fill out the Directory form they can add the information they want to share and everyone can easily search and sort by student name, classroom, etc. 

This is just one of thousands of really helpful uses of Hubbli forms.