Reasons for an email is being dropped

Hubbli automatically suppresses emails sent to users for a variety of reasons in order to aid our customers in having the best possible reputation they can have by attempting to prevent unwanted mail.

Reasons for an email is being dropped.

Blocks - The recipient’s email server rejects the message for a reason related to the message, not the recipient address. This may be due to your Sending IP, or the message content. Since these are message-specific issues, future messages to these addresses are not suppressed.

Bounces - The recipient’s email server rejects the message, or sends the message back to Hubbli, due to an issue with the recipient address.

A bounce occurs when a sent message is rejected by the receiving mail server. The most common causes for bounced email messages include a misspelled email address, a nonexistent email address, or a full recipient inbox.

 A repeat bounce is when an address has bounced, then bounced a second time and logged to the bounce suppression list, but you ask us to send to this recipient again. Our system will suppress the message because it ‘knows’ that recipient address is bad.

Invalid Emails - The recipient address does not exist on the mail server you sent to.

Spam Reports - The recipient marks your email as spam.

Global Unsubscribes - When a user unsubscribes from everything you might email them.

Group Unsubscribes - When a user unsubscribes from a specific group of your emails.