How to add multiple appointments at one time

In order to set up multiple appointments at one time, Please do the following steps:

The better way is to create dummy service providers for the number of additional appointments you wish your users to be able to make.

For example, if you want to be able to accept 5 appointments for a service at any given time, create and assign 4 dummy providers to that service.

Here are the steps to create dummy service provider and connect to a service:

Step 1: Go to the Dashboard

Step 2: Hover over Appointments > Click on Settings

Step 3: Click on Service 

Step 4: Enter the Name of the service, Capacity should be set as 0, set the duration of a single time slot

Step 5: Next step is to Connect a service provider with the service.

a. Click on service provider

b. Click on Add new service provider

c. Connect the service provider with the service

d. Click save changes.

Repeat the step 5 to add the dummy service provider.

For example, if you want to be able to accept 5 appointments for a service at any given time, create and assign 4 dummy providers to that service.

In order to make a service provider as a dummy, You would have to click the dummy check-box.

Step 6: The next step is for setting up the working hours

a. Click on working hours and choose the service provider from the drop-down list

b. Set the working hours as you need

For example, if you want to create a service that is available on every Monday from 9:00 AM til 11:00 PM, then you would have to mark the work as Yes and set the timings as you need. That is the time when the service starts and ends for the day.

c. Click save changes

Repeat the step 6 for the dummy service provider.

Make sure you assign the same days and timings for the dummy service provider as well.

Step 7. This step is to set up the working hours for No specific provider

a. Choose No specific Provider from the drop-down list

b. Set the days and timings exactly same as the original service provider.

C. Click save changes.

Step 8. Next step is to Assign dummy service providers to the original service provider.

a. Go to General tab at the top.

b. Click Accessibility

c. Scroll down to the bottom and find 'Assign dummy service providers to'

d. Assign dummy service providers to the original service provider.

e. Click Save changes.

Now you will be able to see the appointments from the front-end.

Go to your homepage and click the appointment tab. Then choose the service from the drop-down list.