How To Bulk Upload Invoice Accounts
When transitioning over to the Hubbli Tuition invoicing tool a school usually already has many accounts that need to be created. Instead of creating them one at a time, which works well for new families that are enrolling throughout the year, we have a bulk import that allows you to create as many accounts as you want, all at one time.
But since our invoice tool requires parents to be in our system, to make this process work in the most efficient way, we need to ensure that at least one parent per child has already been added to the system as a user.
Once that has been verified, the first step to organizing your accounts for the bulk upload is to download this .csv template to be populated. download template here
You'll notice that there is an email address column, in that column you will place the email address being used by one of the parents that you want associated with this account.
You will be able to add additional associated parents to each account, but for this bulk upload we can only attach one per account.
In the 'Account Name' column we suggest using the family name. However, some schools like to user the name of a child, or children, for scenarios when there are more than one surname being used by the parents of that account.
Once you have this filled out please send it to us at