How To Create A Volunteer Signup Form

One of the many great uses of Hubbli forms is for managing volunteer signups. Below is an example of a quick signup form that you can build in a few minutes flat. 

In this scenario, we'll have parents choosing things that they will be responsible to bring for the put luck. 

To learn how to get started making a form, check out this article on  How To Create A Form

Add a Name field, and you might want to rename the field 'Parent Name'

Then go to the 'Standard Fields' section and add a checkbox field and rename it something like 'Food Options' for the options you want the parents to select. 

Remember to check the 'Enable Limits' and set each choice to a limit of one so that after one of the choices is selected by a parent, it won't be available to anyone else. 

Now you can use this approach to make it really easy to organize any event you can think of.